
Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible , No Good, Very Bad Day

Disclosure: Disney invited my family, and I, to the pre-screening of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

The fact that the title character in Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, is totally in love with the country of Australia, won me over immediately. The kid even has a Didgeridoo. PERFECTION. My Nana is right off the boat from Australia, and it’s always a soft spot when a movie embraces our culture! Ironically, it’s not Alexander that has the terrible horrible no good very bad day. Go figure! The entire Cooper family, minus Alexander, have the worst day of their lives. Alexander may, or may not, have wished it upon all of their “positive outlook” butts!

Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Yes, I know this is being posted on Friday, which is my Family Friday posting day. Our family attended an advanced screening of the the movie on October 4th. It was the perfect day for a movie, since it was pouring rain for pretty much the entire day. What else does a family do on a rainy day? They head out to see a Disney flick at the theatre with friends!

The movie was adorable. The kids laughed. I laughed. My friend laughed. Her kids laughed. No crying, which surprised me, since Disney seems to love to make us cry just a little bit at every movie! Babies eating green markers, popular boys having girl troubles, an over dramatic teenager playing Peter Pan in the school play, and a kid obsessed with Australia – what more could you want in a movie? How about parents who have royally bad days, yet seem to be able to laugh about it. A mom who feels the mommy guilt after returning to work, and knowing her husband is home with them and bonding with them, while he’s out of work and hunting for a new job.

I’m not big on telling you about the movie, so it spoils it, but seeing Steve Carell in a Pirate’s blouse, and having multiple people call it a Pirate’s blouse, is just comical. Seeing that blouse on fire in a restaurant, and how Carell’s character handles the flames and the aftermath – I can totally see me doing something like that at some point. However, never in a Pirate’s blouse. And yes, the term Stop.Drop.And.Roll. was used in the scene. Does he do it? You’ll have to go see the movie to find out.

It won’t win an Oscar

Is it going to win an Oscar? No. It’s just fun. Carell is funny, but in a more subtle way than usual. Jennifer Garner who plays his wife handles her comedy with ease. Everyone gets to see a little Megan Mullally (a.k.a. Karen, from Will & Grace.)

For anyone who has taken their driver’s test – you’ll completely appreciate, and laugh from the start of Anthony’s driving test, to the end of it. I’m sure all of us has known someone who could have had the same experience as the Cooper’s eldest son’s driving test experience!

It opens TODAY, October 10th. Hey, if it’s raining, go see it with the family!

By | 2017-09-30T11:20:12-04:00 October 10, 2014|Entertainment, Reviews|Comments Off on Disney’s Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible , No Good, Very Bad Day

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!