
Book Review: Dirty Bomb Shell

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.

I wasn’t aware of this, but September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Yes, I know this is October, but stay with me here! I’ve got a point. I think……..

Review of Lorna J. Brunelle’s Dirty Bomb Shell

Recently, I was given the opportunity to read and review Lorna J. Brunelle’s, Dirty Bomb Shell From Thyroid Cancer Back to Fabulous. It’s her true story of her journey through Thyroid Cancer. It starts with her diagnoses, brings readers through her treatment, and then her recovery. Her world changed FOREVER in August of 2004. Whilst singing at a memorial service, she noticed something “off.”

Even though she knew something wasn’t right, she didn’t look into it.

Lorna’s story of a singer battling Thyroid Cancer

Lorna takes you through the highs and the low-down, dirty, lows she went through. It’s an amazing story about fighting for your rights as a patient, because most people won’t “interview” doctors to make sure they have the right fit for their “FIGHT” against the big C. Most people go through the motions, letting others tell them what’s best for them. Honest, how can you not? You’ve just been told you have Cancer, of course you will defer to others’ opinions and recommendations.

Lorna was doing just that, until she realized her VOICE was at stake. Her livelihood is her voice, it’s her identity and when it was on the line, she took a stand and found a doctor that she could “fight the fight” alongside, not just “follow along” and hope the doctor understood what she needed. LOVE THAT. Being close in age, I love seeing the power she took back for HERSELF. Even when people told her to just “settle” because this doctor “was the best”.

33 and battling Thyroid Cancer

Did I mention, she was 33 when diagnosed with a Cancer that could take her voice and basically, all control of her body, away from her. The Thyroid controls your body….it’s the ON SWITCH that:

  • gives you energy
  • controls “how you roll” basically

Without one, you become:

  • a slug of tiredness
  • forgetful
  • a shell of your former self

All the hormones a Thyroid handles, once gone, have to be introduced into your body through pills and shots. Unfortunately, you become an experiment. A hormone level experiment. I never knew the Thyroid had such power. It’s so tiny, but it’s packed with punch. Sort of like my son. So tiny, but so much energy and what I like to call “piss and vinegar.”

Raw and real explanation of the Stages of Thyroid Cancer

Lorna is brutally honest about how she handled her “stages” of Cancer. She could be fun and lighthearted, but darkness entered often. She would lash out at the closest person to her, her wonderful husband, Roger. I think Roger needs to write a book about going through Thyroid Cancer with a loved one. I’d totally read that book! It’s amazing he survived. Even more amazing: the marriage survived.

She got all kinds of mean and vicious. However, most of it was out of her control. Seriously, the hormones that regulate your mood are all in that little gland, the Thyroid. She was scared, nervous, facing her own mortality. Honestly, I’d be probably be ten times worse. Heck, if I don’t eat my blood sugar level turns me into a totally different human being, if you could call it a human being.

Just diagnosed? Pick this book up

Her story is one that anyone newly diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer should read. I believe it will help. I can only tell you, the book took me a long time get through, not because of the length of it, but because I wanted to re-read certain sections a few times to absorb everything she was going through. Her picture is crystal clear in this book, Thyroid Cancer is a battle, even if people call it a “good cancer” to have, since there is a high rate of survival. There is no GOOD CANCER. It’s all got to go!

It’s not all a bunch of “darkness”, she’s got inspiring moments, fun and funny moments. All I can say is you’ll laugh out loud and have tears running down your face when you read about “wash the bush.” I nearly died laughing.

It’s a good read, as everyone in the world has someone they know who has battled Cancer. Dirty Bomb Shell From Thyroid Cancer Back to Fabulous can help you understand the “behind the scenes” look at Cancer diagnosis, treatment, recovery and SURVIVAL.

Pick up a copy today on Amazon.com.


By | 2018-02-03T15:13:46-05:00 October 20, 2011|Entertainment, Reviews|Comments Off on Book Review: Dirty Bomb Shell

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!