Celebrating August with 31 days of photos – Day 13
Addicted to our #lakeviews as we celebrate august with 31 days of photos. It's not bad this lake life we have, that's for sure.
Addicted to our #lakeviews as we celebrate august with 31 days of photos. It's not bad this lake life we have, that's for sure.
I've used my fresh tomatoes from our #31daysofphotos in my Chicken Paella in the crockpot this fine day.
I'm not much of a cook, as we all know, but I do make a good Turkey chili. At least that's what I'm told. Sure, they could all be trying to make me feel better, but I like it, so I'm going to believe them all! We're celebrating August with 31 days of photos while we make chili (in the crockpot, it's too hot for the stove to be on.)
Celebrating august with #31daysofphotos has been rather fun, and today was no different as The Boy turned into a Little Bear.
After having so many issues with our internet since Saturday, the way we're celebrating August with 31 days of photos on Day 8 is with a little introduction to my favorite little guy in the world. I'd like you to meet the love of my life, my best friend, my pride and joy....... Isn't he [...]
Celebrating August with #31daysofphotos and apparently, Disney's Planes.
It's always interesting when this mom heads into the kitchen to cook from scratch.....don't be alarmed, I did NOT make the pasta from scratch. It came from a box. It's how we are celebrating august with #31daysofphotos
Celebrating August with #31daysofphotos - it's not an easy task, but it's been fun finding just the right photos to capture each day.
Experiencing Mango for the first time......well, the first time since he has been able to speak, that is. Picky eating pain in the ass for our #31daysofphotos
August days of Summer. It's a bit humid, even after all that rain, and there's no clouds in the sky........and around here for our #31daysofphotos - it's all about enjoying our AC and giving Piggy Back Rides!
August is going to be a little different on my beloved website.......let's hope you love it, and want to share your thoughts each day during the 30 day photo journey....
Celebrate our nation's birthday!!! Keep it safe everyone.
It's always a special day when we celebrate fathers......they get yet another day to do absolutely nothing, while everyone else caters to them. How is this day different than most days? KIDDING. Well, sort of kidding. Depends on the dad!
Memorial Day.....enough said.
To all the Moms out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!
Personal productivity is the only way to "manage your time effectively" so you can actually be productive. I know, shocking to think time management is all horse poop. It's all a part of the Women's Money Week series I'm working on this week for 2013!
It's time to buckle down, save those resolutions. Broken resolutions are the norm for most of us! Let's change together. Or, just enjoy a good laugh.
We all resolve to follow through on these promises to yourselves as we make them, toast to it with our champagne, and then realize it'll never happen.......within a day or two of making the resolutions.
I'm a dreamer......and I dream about ALL ASPECTS of my future plans. What do you dream about?
I disclose.