
Happy Mother’s Day

Fantasia MickeyMany of my blog friends are down in Orlando celebrating Mother’s Day at Disney World with their families. It’s a huge honor to be invited to the DisneySMMoms event held each year at Disney World in Orlando. People tell me I should be jealous…….I’m not super sure why I should be jealous. I’m rather happy for all of them who got the invite. It’s a great bit of fun, for them, and their families. It’s probably super cool to celebrate Mother’s Day at Magic Kingdom. Perhaps another year…….once I’ve embraced my distaste for flying, and won’t have a total meltdown every time the thought of walking onto the plane enters my mind.

I’m okay with not getting an invite, because I truly don’t know if I would have accepted. I have to be blunt here: I’d have NEVER accepted. Of course, then I would have felt guilty for not going, because the kids would have hated me when they found out. Never a good thing to say no to a trip to Disney World. My husband probably would have been P.O.-ed, too.

See how that all works? To those who have a fear of flying, you understand COMPLETELY. To those who don’t have a fear of flying…….think about having to say not to something because it was wrapped up in a fear you have, like spiders, or snakes, or sky diving.

I’m spending Mother’s Day GUILT FREE on Long Island, with my kids, and I’m rather thankful I didn’t have to make this decision this year. I’ll work on overcoming my fear for next year, perhaps the invite will come and I’ll be up for it? We’ll find out next year, I suppose!

To all those out there, Have the Happiest, Safest, and Healthiest of Mother’s Days!

While you’re here, enjoy a cute new clip from Monster’s University, coming out in June of 2013. Yup, next month people. Next month!



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About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!