We’re celebrating August with 31 days of photos at our house. It’s been fun so far…..and it’s going to be an interesting month going by today’s photo. Now, honestly, this didn’t happen today. It happened during the week, but I had to share it today! I mean, it’s just too funny not to.
In this photo, you’d think my son was at church receiving holy communion by his expression……all he was doing, the DRAMA KING, was trying out a new food. A mango (originally thought to be a Papaya, until I saw what was in the center of it as my husband cut it open – big huge solid center means MANGO.)
The funniest part, other than his utter drama of the whole situation? He liked it, ate another piece of it. However, the next day when I asked if he wanted to have some with breakfast he shook his head NOOOOOOO. Apparently, this picky eater is going to be a bit more of a fighter than we thought.