
Disney star Genevieve Goings knows her phone number, do you?

Disclaimer: I was sent a complimentary single of “My Telephone Number is” by Genevieve Goings to review as a influencer with Entertainment New Media Network.

My thoughts and opinions are always 100% my own.

I’ve got two kids. We all know this as fact. My Little Miss and The Boy. Each child is unique, and each child learns in dramatically different ways. When Little Miss was learning her address, and phone number, and when her birthday was, she just got it. She understood it after repeating it over, and over. We quizzed her, she just knew it. Never a problem. Two years later, teaching The Boy these same factoids….let’s just say it was pure torture, and still is pure torture. He didn’t care what his phone number was, or what our home address was. It just wasn’t important to him. Nothing we did to explain how important these little nuggets of information were for him to know, worked. What I wouldn’t have given for Genevieve Goings to have come out with her new album about three years ago……..she really gets what kids love – a really good beat!

Disney star Genevieve Goings knows her phone number, do you?

Choo Choo Soul’s Genevieve Goings has been around kids for years. She has more energy than 50 kids put together. She’s not immature, but she’s got this young spirit that just attracts people of all ages. She brings out the “kid” in people, as I learned when attending the ENMNetwork Conference back in February of this year. The woman never stops moving, dancing, singing and smiling! It’s intoxicating for everyone around her, so you can imagine what kids must think of her and sick beats.

Genevieve Goings #choochoosoul #sponsored

Back in February, a group of us were given a little taste of Genevieve’s first solo album “Do You Know?” scheduled for release on June 3, 2014. It’s packed with funky, kid-friendly beats that help teach them amazing lessons. I still have “Gotta Do My Business” stuck in my head, which happens to be the second single that will be released from her album. I cannot wait to play this for the kids. Sure, they know how to do their business, but the song is damn cute and I can see my kids belting it out for all to hear!

Now, the first single Miss Goings has released is “My Telephone Number Is.” It’s the one I’ll be using on my son, who at his age, still gives me hell about remembering it. Perhaps now, if Genevieve’s telling him to learn it, he’ll finally give in and LEARN IT! The beat and lyrics are extremely catchy, so I’ve got all the faith in the world he’ll be belting out his phone number HAPPILY. Plus, it’s a heck of a lot easier to remember when you’ve got a killer soundtrack to sing it to!

You can order “My Telephone Number Is” over on iTunes, and if you want a little sneak “listen” just check out her 80s inspired video on YouTube!

I’ve got my kids loving singing along with Genevieve right now using her FREE app “Sing with Genevieve” on iTunes. It’s super cute, she’s the most awesome Disney Junior chick on the planet, and who doesn’t love singing with Choo Choo Soul? I do it all the time! There’s kid music out there that is just ANNOYING, but Genevieve’s is not annoying at all. She’s got an amazing gift, and I’m so glad she continues to want to inspire kids with her gift. It’s such a benefit to all of us parents having amazingly talented people helping teach our kids valuable lessons. Grateful to Choo Choo Girl for all she puts into her music.

I’m not a huge “fan” kind of chick. I mean, the only person I think I’d faint if I got to talk to and have lunch with is John Cusack. However, when Genevieve favorites a tweet of mine on Twitter, or hits me up on Facebook and Instagram to show me some love because I’ve shown her some love – I cannot help but smile. She’s just a cool lady, and I love that we’re connected in even the smallest of ways!

It’s exciting to see her come out with her solo album “Do You Know?” on June 3, 2014. It’s the day before my Mom’s birthday, how cute is that?!!! I love that she’s released her first single “My Telephone Number Is,” and made it easy to download on iTunes. I cannot wait for “Gotta Do My Business” to come out next. When amazing things like this happen for amazing women, how can you not be excited??!!!

In my humble opinion, this entire album when it comes out in June will be worth every penny you spend on it. Get it on your iPad, iPod, iPhone – it’s going to be a nice change from all that Frozen music you’ve been listening to for so long!

Genevieve Goings #sponsored

Genevieve Goings BIO

Genevieve Goings has spent 10 years teaching toddlers fundamental fun. From her debut on Playhouse Disney as the hip singing train conductor on the educational interstitials known as “Choo Choo Soul with Genevieve”, through her remaking Classic Disney sing-alongs again with Choo Choo Soul, and voicing the learning bumpers featured on the new Disney Junior network. Genevieve is now welcoming a second generation of viewers and listeners with the release of her first solo album doing what she does best – teaching and entertaining children.

“Do You know?” is a new presentation path for learning for young children age 2-7 year old. It features songs and videos aimed at helping preschoolers learn their phone number, telling time, putting themselves to bed, and the more personal things like hygiene and dealing with potty training in a dignified manner. This new inspiring set of songs is fun for the whole family and will have you, as parents and teachers, singing and dancing along.

By | 2015-07-11T12:17:41-04:00 April 23, 2014|Entertainment|Comments Off on Disney star Genevieve Goings knows her phone number, do you?

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!