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Premium #McWrap is huge value for your money

By | 2016-08-30T15:41:42-04:00 April 9, 2013|Food, Reviews|

Eating at fast food places isn't a regular thing for our family. The food isn't the best for you, and it gets too damn expensive. McDonald's is making small changes in their menu......and the McWrap is not that small, but it is a tad more healthy than you'd expect from McDonald's.

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One of the best online money-saving sites is Hoopla Doopla

By | 2020-12-04T11:53:46-05:00 February 11, 2013|Shopping In-store & Online, Tutorials|

Hoopla Doopla is not just about earning cash back, but also about educating consumers about shopping online in a smart, and safe, way!

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