18 03, 2024

5 Ways Dental Implants Can Enhance Your Confidence

By | 2024-03-09T12:45:05-05:00 March 18, 2024|Health & Nutrition|Comments Off on 5 Ways Dental Implants Can Enhance Your Confidence

Living with missing teeth can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. Whether due to injury, decay, or other factors, dental implants offer a transformative solution to help restore your smile and confidence. Enhance Your Smile with Dental Implants Here are five ways in which dental implants can help you regain your confidence and improve your [...]

25 09, 2023

Essential Dental Tips to Teach Kids About Good Oral Hygiene Habits

By | 2023-08-31T11:47:42-04:00 September 25, 2023|Health & Nutrition|Comments Off on Essential Dental Tips to Teach Kids About Good Oral Hygiene Habits

As a mom, taking care of your child's teeth and ensuring good oral hygiene practices can seem like a daunting task. However, teaching your child about good oral hygiene habits from a young age is essential. Not only does it help prevent tooth decay, but it also sets a foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. [...]

28 11, 2022

How to Prepare Your Child for Their Annual Dentist Visit

By | 2022-12-04T10:48:44-05:00 November 28, 2022|Family|Comments Off on How to Prepare Your Child for Their Annual Dentist Visit

It is essential to schedule an annual dental check-up for your child, but you also want to ensure their annual dentist visit appointment goes smoothly. Your child may be nervous about the appointment, or you may have trouble heading out the door on time. Prepare Your Child for their Annual Dentist Visit Regardless, you can [...]

5 02, 2020

4 Tips for Helping Your Kids with Braces

By | 2020-01-20T13:32:26-05:00 February 5, 2020|Lifestyle|Comments Off on 4 Tips for Helping Your Kids with Braces

Kids have braces? Here's four tips to help your kids with braces - so it's not as painful and miserable! No one enjoys the teeth straightening process.

26 06, 2019

4 Ways to Help Your Children Enjoy a Dentist Visit

By | 2019-06-16T12:44:36-04:00 June 26, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Help Your Children Enjoy a Dentist Visit

It's not impossible to have an enjoyable dentist visit with your kids. Sometimes it's the simplest things that help kids ease into a decent experience.

28 03, 2018

Don’t like your teeth’s appearance? 4 steps to a smile you can be proud of

By | 2024-04-26T15:41:32-04:00 March 28, 2018|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Don’t like your teeth’s appearance? 4 steps to a smile you can be proud of

Your smile is often one of the first things a stranger notices about you, and is why many people fret over cosmetic issues such as stains and gaps between their teeth. While those blemishes can be embarrassing, you don’t need to accept a second-rate smile without a fight. Interested in a smile you can be [...]

27 04, 2015

SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues in 2015

By | 2016-08-30T21:05:38-04:00 April 27, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle, Reviews|2 Comments

It's been a while, I know. Life just got in the way, and my SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey was put off to the side for a bit of time. However, my SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues in 2015. It has to be done, and now's as good a time as any to get my teeth [...]

3 12, 2014

SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues

By | 2016-08-30T20:13:50-04:00 December 3, 2014|Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues

Disclosure: SmileBrilliant! provided me with the teeth whitening kit. No monetary compensation has been provided. Please use my affiliate link to order the kit if you are interested. You’ll get a discount when you use the link, with my discount code. Head to the bottom of this post for the link, and code. Thanks for [...]

6 05, 2013

Invisalign: A more sophisticated approach to braces

By | 2017-09-04T13:14:07-04:00 May 6, 2013|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Invisalign: A more sophisticated approach to braces

Did you have metal braces when you were growing up, or as an adult?