8 01, 2024

Grab Your Rubber Ducky for National Bubble Bath Day

By | 2024-01-04T13:32:33-05:00 January 8, 2024|Health & Nutrition|Comments Off on Grab Your Rubber Ducky for National Bubble Bath Day

Whether you're like me and not a big fan of any kind of baths, let alone a bubble bath, you can still celebrate National Bubble Bath day in fun ways. Personally, I've always an issue with baths. I moved my kids quickly from "bath time" to showers, because soaking in your own filth gives me [...]

11 09, 2019

4 Helpful Tips for Handling Depression after Losing a Loved One

By | 2019-08-28T10:02:40-04:00 September 11, 2019|Depression & Mental Health|Comments Off on 4 Helpful Tips for Handling Depression after Losing a Loved One

If you live with depression every day, it's even more difficult after losing a loved one. We're sharing 4 tips for handling depression after a loss. Read more today...

21 08, 2019

Ways to Actually Stay Relaxed on Vacation

By | 2023-12-23T14:18:46-05:00 August 21, 2019|Travel|Comments Off on Ways to Actually Stay Relaxed on Vacation

Feel like you need a vacation after you return from your vacation? Want to learn how to actually stay relaxed on vacation? Check out these vacation and travel tips today.

19 08, 2019

8 Things You Can Do Every Day to Improve Your Mind and Body

By | 2023-05-07T12:44:52-04:00 August 19, 2019|Depression & Mental Health|Comments Off on 8 Things You Can Do Every Day to Improve Your Mind and Body

Caring for yourself is a must! Do these 8 things each day to improve your body and mind, and you'll see a huge improvement to your mental & physical health.

3 07, 2019

Peace in the Present: 4 Ways to Let go of the Past to Live Joyfully

By | 2019-06-22T11:36:20-04:00 July 3, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Peace in the Present: 4 Ways to Let go of the Past to Live Joyfully

Peace in the present gets harder and harder the older you get. Memories of hurt and upset creep into your mind. Learn to find the joy in life.

19 06, 2019

Feel Your Best: 4 Activities to Include in Your Morning Routine

By | 2019-06-11T17:17:54-04:00 June 19, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Feel Your Best: 4 Activities to Include in Your Morning Routine

In order to feel your best throughout the day, start off with a simple morning routine. Incorporate four simple things to create a good energy flow that'll take you through your entire day.

17 06, 2019

Starting Meditation? 4 Ways to Create a Backyard Escape

By | 2023-08-23T12:12:00-04:00 June 17, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Starting Meditation? 4 Ways to Create a Backyard Escape

Stress takes over most people’s lives, and almost everybody needs an escape. However, finding a place where you can put your mind at ease and recharge the energy lost during the day is challenging. Vacations are great, but they don’t last forever. Extend the relaxation when you make a little heaven on earth in your [...]

13 05, 2019

The Impact Your Personal Habits Can Have on Your Self-Esteem

By | 2022-12-30T11:51:08-05:00 May 13, 2019|Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Impact Your Personal Habits Can Have on Your Self-Esteem

It's true. Your personal habits affect your self-esteem. If you feel your days are falling into the low self-esteem category, make changes ASAP. Learn more.

31 10, 2018

How to teach your kids to practice self-care at home

By | 2018-10-31T07:08:27-04:00 October 31, 2018|Lifestyle|Comments Off on How to teach your kids to practice self-care at home

It's important to remember stress has no age limit. Kids experience stress, too. Teach your kids to practice self-care at home. Learn how here.

8 11, 2017

4 sports that help us reach inner peace

By | 2023-09-19T18:49:16-04:00 November 8, 2017|Depression & Mental Health|Comments Off on 4 sports that help us reach inner peace

People play sports for all kinds of reasons, even to reach inner peace: to have fun, to socialize compete get, or stay, in shape Reach inner peace by participating in these 4 sports However, one benefit to sports you might not be aware of is their potential to improve your overall mental state. Some sports [...]

12 10, 2011

I am NOT afraid. I was BORN to do this.

By | 2021-03-07T14:21:55-05:00 October 12, 2011|Lifestyle|6 Comments

What is your favorite quote? I have one that always gets me pumped. Check out what I say when people tell me I can't do something. Maybe it'll help you grab what's meant for you!