
What did the kids make for the holidays?

It’s a tradition at our house. The kids make this special treat with Daddy (and a small assist from Mommy.) What did the kids make for the holidays? If you know, leave your guess in the comments below!

#holidaydessert #struffoli #honeyballs

By | 2015-02-10T16:20:06-05:00 December 20, 2013|Off Topic|5 Comments

About the Author:

Staci loves to write, and loves to share her "take" on everything thrown her way. Movies, entertainment, food, fashion, shopping, money, travel and family. There's nothing off limits at NovemberSunflower.com, and Staci's always telling it like it is: good, bad, and all that lies in between!


  1. april yedinak December 20, 2013 at 8:46 am

    I have no idea, but I am really curious.

  2. Danielle Giglio December 20, 2013 at 9:16 am

    Pignolata!!! I am so afraid to make them because I do not think they will taste like my Grandma’s. These are such a great Christmas memory for me.

    • Danielle Giglio December 20, 2013 at 9:21 am

      Darn – spelled it wrong – it is Pignolatta

    • November Sunflower December 20, 2013 at 11:58 am

      You’re close……very close. Pignulata, a Sicilian version of the dessert, has lemon and chocolate syrups covering it ….Pignolati are ones that are made with honey on top, and those have chopped nuts on them usually. These the kids make each year are SIMILAR, but have a different name. Believe it, or not, even though my family is Sicilian, we refer to our dessert with a different name……

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