20 04, 2015

Uptown Funk excited for Kidz Bop 28

By | 2016-08-30T21:09:00-04:00 April 20, 2015|Featured, Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Uptown Funk excited for Kidz Bop 28

Music is probably the only thing in our family's life that unites us in ways we can't even understand. I'm not a musician, nor do I sing very well. However, there's something about music that calms me, and it can change my mood in a millisecond. I can get into the car in a crappy [...]

13 01, 2015

Shake It Off with KidzBop 27

By | 2016-08-30T20:21:20-04:00 January 13, 2015|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|Comments Off on Shake It Off with KidzBop 27

Music brings out the best in all of us. Have you seen some of the videos of people singing along to Shake It Off, and having a great time? Even if you don't like a particular singer, or musician, if they come out with a catchy song - you're going to sing it! Don't fight [...]

25 01, 2012

Review: Bari Koral family rock band’s “Anna and The Cupcakes” CD

By | 2018-02-12T16:09:27-05:00 January 25, 2012|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|6 Comments

Family Rock Bands Review: Bari Koral's Anna and the Cupcakes. Perfect CD for families to jam out to in the car, or at home. Great beats; wholesome lyrics; and, a true family rock band feel.

13 01, 2011

Bari Koral’s Rock and Roll Garden CD Review

By | 2018-01-16T13:40:11-05:00 January 13, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|17 Comments

Bari Koral family rock band Rock and Roll Garden CD Review. Hugely popular kid music singer/band Bari Koral has a new CD out. Great for families! See what we thought of it.