25 01, 2012

Review: Bari Koral family rock band’s “Anna and The Cupcakes” CD

By | 2018-02-12T16:09:27-05:00 January 25, 2012|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|6 Comments

Family Rock Bands Review: Bari Koral's Anna and the Cupcakes. Perfect CD for families to jam out to in the car, or at home. Great beats; wholesome lyrics; and, a true family rock band feel.

21 09, 2011

Review of Confessions of a Suicidal Policewoman by Thomas Fitzsimmons

By | 2018-07-17T14:19:34-04:00 September 21, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|Comments Off on Review of Confessions of a Suicidal Policewoman by Thomas Fitzsimmons

Entertaining and a fun read. I totally love reading Fitzsimmons' books. He's got a great sense of humor and I'm always intrigued by NYC Policemen!

1 09, 2011

Book Review: Confessions of a Catholic Cop

By | 2018-01-29T10:57:46-05:00 September 1, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|1 Comment

Ever wonder how a cop with the NYPD might write? Really? Who thinks of a cop wanting to write and if he did, what the heck would he want to write about? Well, now's your chance to find out! Really decent book, great one to download and enjoy after a long day!

2 06, 2011

Book Review: Sandy Alemian’s What was GOD THINKING?!

By | 2018-01-18T15:07:29-05:00 June 2, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|Comments Off on Book Review: Sandy Alemian’s What was GOD THINKING?!

Want to truly find love? I'd read this book. Sandy Alemian's offering answers in her book What was God Thinking?!

13 01, 2011

Bari Koral’s Rock and Roll Garden CD Review

By | 2018-01-16T13:40:11-05:00 January 13, 2011|November Sunflower Entertainment, Reviews|17 Comments

Bari Koral family rock band Rock and Roll Garden CD Review. Hugely popular kid music singer/band Bari Koral has a new CD out. Great for families! See what we thought of it.