27 03, 2014

Secrets of highly successful Swag Bucks earners: Trusted Surveys

By | 2016-08-30T18:23:38-04:00 March 27, 2014|Money, Tutorials|Comments Off on Secrets of highly successful Swag Bucks earners: Trusted Surveys

*Referral links included in this post. If you know me, you know I'm not a survey taker. Sure, I'm one of the highly successful Swag Bucks earners in my own right, but I won't touch Trusted Surveys. The reason? I live in a densely populate area, and I never qualify for the surveys. HOWEVER, many [...]

26 03, 2014

Secrets of highly successful Swag Buck earner: Special Offers

By | 2016-08-30T18:24:45-04:00 March 26, 2014|Money, Tutorials|Comments Off on Secrets of highly successful Swag Buck earner: Special Offers

Earning Swag Bucks isn't all that hard, or time consuming. It's just knowing how to get the most bang for your TIME INVESTMENT!

3 12, 2013

Every textbook rented at CampusBookRentals.com earns money for Operation Smile

By | 2016-08-30T18:03:07-04:00 December 3, 2013|Money|Comments Off on Every textbook rented at CampusBookRentals.com earns money for Operation Smile

Rent textbooks and save money, and also help donate to Operation Smile at the same time.....sounds good to me!

15 08, 2013

Swagbucks has an OFFICIAL VISA CARD to earn even more swag bucks with

By | 2015-02-26T19:39:44-05:00 August 15, 2013|Money|Comments Off on Swagbucks has an OFFICIAL VISA CARD to earn even more swag bucks with

We all use a credit card at some point, or another. Why not have your VISA card earn you some Swag Bucks while you're charging on it?!!!

8 03, 2013

Residual income can be a huge help in planning for your future finances

By | 2015-02-10T16:29:02-05:00 March 8, 2013|Money|Comments Off on Residual income can be a huge help in planning for your future finances

If you're young, and someone introduces you to Network Marketing, consider yourself SUPER LUCKY. Network Marketing is already a huge growth industry. Once you find the one that "speaks to you," you can be unstoppable. Just look for key attributes of a company before you enter into the world of Network Marketing.

22 01, 2013

It’s new to me, but let’s get to know QuickRewards

By | 2016-08-30T14:21:11-04:00 January 22, 2013|Money, Tutorials|Comments Off on It’s new to me, but let’s get to know QuickRewards

It's a fairly new point earning site for me. I'm sure I'll be getting the hang of it and be more knowledgeable about it in the near future. For now, let's get to know QuickRewards together.

10 03, 2012

Debt doesn’t always happen when using Credit Cards

By | 2023-09-24T13:39:57-04:00 March 10, 2012|Money|Comments Off on Debt doesn’t always happen when using Credit Cards

I'm going to write something that many people will say is CRAZY. Get ready. It's a big, bad secret: credit cards ARE NOT EVIL. Stop cutting credit cards up. They aren't the enemy. WHOA. That felt good. It's an amazing weight off of my shoulders! It fires me up when people tell others the only [...]

8 03, 2012

Women’s Money Week: budgeting your time, save your paycheck

By | 2018-02-22T11:04:56-05:00 March 8, 2012|Money|1 Comment

Budgets are a nightmare at our house, until we get to the gift giving column. That's got a BIG ZERO in it, even though we still give gifts throughout the year. How is that possible? Head inside and read all about it!