19 05, 2015

HP Envy 5660 e-All-in-One Printer for easier printing

By | 2016-08-30T21:25:36-04:00 May 19, 2015|Featured, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on HP Envy 5660 e-All-in-One Printer for easier printing

It's always lovely when printing is made easier! It's time to introduce HP Envy 5660 e-All-in-One Printer, made for easier printing from your smartphone, tablet, and of course your desktop! WiFi is a beautiful thing, but my favorite part? It's got nothing to do with the cool feature of being able to print to the HP [...]

18 05, 2015

Blogger Lounge featured Glamsquad at the New York Baby Show

By | 2016-08-30T21:26:11-04:00 May 18, 2015|Family, Featured|Comments Off on Blogger Lounge featured Glamsquad at the New York Baby Show

If you've never attended the New York Baby Show before, you're missing out. Seriously outstanding number of brands show up to share their very best-of-the-best products to parents, and parents-to-be. Never assume if you don't have a baby, you'll have nothing to check out. Plenty of vendors had goodies for kids in the single digit time [...]

16 05, 2015

7 Unique Memorial Day Grilling Recipes

By | 2015-05-20T12:07:32-04:00 May 16, 2015|Featured, Food & Drink|Comments Off on 7 Unique Memorial Day Grilling Recipes

You'll notice a theme for my Memorial Day celebrations....booze and dessert. I bet you didn't think you could find a grilling recipe for a cocktail! Well you can. Plus, a little ice cream grilling recipe has got to peak your interest, right? Well it's all here in my 7 Unique Memorial Day Grilling Recipes list [...]

13 05, 2015

Top 7 grilling recipes for weekday meals

By | 2015-04-24T11:22:15-04:00 May 13, 2015|Featured, Food & Drink|Comments Off on Top 7 grilling recipes for weekday meals

If I could have anything in the world, I'd of course want a ton of money. Why? If I had tons of money, I could hire a personal chef. The amount of stress I would alleviate from my daily life by the simple act of having someone else cook meals for my family, and for [...]

11 05, 2015

Top 5 toys from the TTPM Spring Showcase

By | 2016-08-30T21:27:32-04:00 May 11, 2015|Featured, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Top 5 toys from the TTPM Spring Showcase

TTPM Spring Toy Showcase had popular brand toys, of course. Lego has all kinds of Star Wars building sets. Mattel was there with lots of Frozen inspired toys. Nickelodeon was loaded up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dora the Explorer, SpongeBob and more. What I loved seeing were not just "the can't miss toys" like [...]

10 05, 2015

Happy Mother’s Day from the sunflowers

By | 2016-02-02T09:31:54-05:00 May 10, 2015|Family, Featured|Comments Off on Happy Mother’s Day from the sunflowers

  Happy Mother's Day from the sunflowers I truly hope all of you are experiencing an amazing Mother's Day. The sunflowers, Mr. Sunflower and myself are having one of the most amazing Mother's Day weekends of all time. If you're following November Sunflower on social media, you know exactly why! Disney Social Media Moms definitely [...]

6 05, 2015

StarKist Charlie has taken tuna beyond a basic sandwich

By | 2016-08-30T21:28:07-04:00 May 6, 2015|Featured, Food & Drink|Comments Off on StarKist Charlie has taken tuna beyond a basic sandwich

Tuna happens to be one fish I do eat. Salmon and tuna in salad form works for me, along with lobster and crab. Plus, if you fry me up some calamari, I'm good. Anything else having to do with fish, it just doesn't work for me. The smell, the texture, the taste - fish usually [...]

4 05, 2015

Office supply junkie & pen lover is loving Pentel

By | 2016-08-30T21:28:57-04:00 May 4, 2015|Featured, Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Office supply junkie & pen lover is loving Pentel

My love for office supplies is quite strong. Just the thought of a trip to an office supply store gets me very hot and bothered. All the folders, staplers, paper clips, notebooks, date books, office chairs and the best of the best: pens. Yes, pens. I have no problem stating I'm an office supply junkie. [...]

1 05, 2015

Summer Fashion accessories for the ladies

By | 2016-08-30T21:30:45-04:00 May 1, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Summer Fashion accessories for the ladies

Ladies. It's finally time to get all your summer essentials. Here in New York, the weather has FINALLY risen above 30 degrees for not just one day at a time, but for MULTIPLE days in a row. It's pretty exciting stuff, and it makes me think about sunglasses; beautiful sun hats; bright, bold jewelry; and [...]

30 04, 2015

Perfect game when traveling this summer is This or That?

By | 2016-08-30T21:04:34-04:00 April 30, 2015|Family, Featured, Reviews|Comments Off on Perfect game when traveling this summer is This or That?

Who wants to get the perfect game to play when traveling this summer? You could be planning a car trip, or a trip that requires an airplane flight. It doesn't matter what kind of family traveling you're doing, or even if you've got a trip planned with friends, the perfect game when traveling this summer [...]

29 04, 2015

How not to announce to the kids they’re going to Disney Social Media Moms Celebration

By | 2015-04-29T08:32:06-04:00 April 29, 2015|Family, Featured|Comments Off on How not to announce to the kids they’re going to Disney Social Media Moms Celebration

It was snowing outside, and Little Miss and I had made the decision not to head out in the snow for her Hip Hop class. The Boy and Mr. Sunflower had left to go to Jiu Jitsu before the snow really got bad. Amazingly, this was on March 20, 2015. Yes, right before Spring officially [...]

27 04, 2015

SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues in 2015

By | 2016-08-30T21:05:38-04:00 April 27, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle, Reviews|2 Comments

It's been a while, I know. Life just got in the way, and my SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey was put off to the side for a bit of time. However, my SmileBrilliant! teeth whitening journey continues in 2015. It has to be done, and now's as good a time as any to get my teeth [...]

22 04, 2015

A smarter way to shop with ShopSwell

By | 2016-08-30T21:08:10-04:00 April 22, 2015|Featured, Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on A smarter way to shop with ShopSwell

Shopping. It's what I'm good at. I'm not afraid to toot my own shopping horn. It's how November Sunflower started back in 2009. I was an expert shopper, who found not just great deals, but amazing ways to pay for the goods I purchased with gift cards I earned for free. It's "my thing." I'm [...]

20 04, 2015

Uptown Funk excited for Kidz Bop 28

By | 2016-08-30T21:09:00-04:00 April 20, 2015|Featured, Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Uptown Funk excited for Kidz Bop 28

Music is probably the only thing in our family's life that unites us in ways we can't even understand. I'm not a musician, nor do I sing very well. However, there's something about music that calms me, and it can change my mood in a millisecond. I can get into the car in a crappy [...]

17 04, 2015

Treating my daughter’s hair to Caviar with Nexxus Therappe Shampoo & Humectress Conditioner

By | 2016-08-30T21:09:35-04:00 April 17, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Treating my daughter’s hair to Caviar with Nexxus Therappe Shampoo & Humectress Conditioner

I've got color in my hair. SHHHHH, that's between you all, and me. I think I've done a decent job of hiding this information from most people..... okay, I haven't, but humor me, will you?!!! My hair requires products that can help extend the life of my hair color. Now my daughter? Well, she's still [...]

15 04, 2015

Guest Post: Creating a welcoming front porch with Jane Blanchard

By | 2016-08-30T21:10:04-04:00 April 15, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Guest Post: Creating a welcoming front porch with Jane Blanchard

Is your front porch welcoming? The front porch was once the symbol of friendliness, a space where neighbors and friends gathered to wind down after a busy day or drink a glass of iced tea. Now the deck is used by the family as a gathering place, and it is shut off from the neighbors [...]

10 04, 2015

Summer fashion for kids

By | 2016-08-30T21:13:00-04:00 April 10, 2015|Featured, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Summer fashion for kids

It's barely reached 60 degrees here in New York. I'm choosing to ignore the chilly temperatures out there, and I'm going to think ahead to summer. Since having kids, my summer fashion has to be recycled every year. I don't get to add too many new pieces, but sometimes I get a couple of things. [...]

9 04, 2015

Platinum Color Lock shampoo and conditioner

By | 2016-08-30T21:14:02-04:00 April 9, 2015|Featured, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Platinum Color Lock shampoo and conditioner

Let me tell you, I spend a good chunk of change to color my hair. I used to grab a box off the shelf at my local drug store. Basically, I used whatever coupon was being offered on whatever brand was on sale. It used to cost me $2 with this method, but my hair [...]

6 04, 2015

Canvas prints from Canvaspop Review

By | 2016-08-30T21:15:58-04:00 April 6, 2015|Featured, Reviews, Shopping In-store & Online|Comments Off on Canvas prints from Canvaspop Review

A public service announcement to all those men out there looking for a great gift for the mothers in their lives: think personal. Actually, a better way of going about finding the perfect gift for the moms in your life is to sit down, and really UNDERSTAND what the moms in your life love! Do [...]

30 03, 2015

Autism Accepting Businesses are the goal of Missing Piece Awareness

By | 2015-03-30T14:06:29-04:00 March 30, 2015|Family, Featured|Comments Off on Autism Accepting Businesses are the goal of Missing Piece Awareness

I live in this world with two mainstream children. Autism isn't a reality my family of four has had to contend with, however we are directly affected by Autism. How can anyone not be? You may not be aware that you know someone with Autism, or that you know someone who has a family member [...]

25 03, 2015

Sky Zone Birthday Party

By | 2015-03-25T12:47:04-04:00 March 25, 2015|Family, Featured, Reviews|Comments Off on Sky Zone Birthday Party

Parents always want their kids to have amazing birthdays. Birthday memories are ones that last forever. I still remember the parties my parents would throw for my sister and I. We always had joint birthday parties in March, because my sister's big day was at the end of February and mine was at the beginning [...]

24 03, 2015

HelloFresh offering 2 Free Meals

By | 2016-08-30T20:50:26-04:00 March 24, 2015|Featured, Food & Drink|Comments Off on HelloFresh offering 2 Free Meals

It may not feel like Spring to some of us on the East Coast, but it truly is Spring according to the calendar. Since spring is in the air, my thoughts go right to spending more time outdoors. I want to enjoy the beautiful weather, and not be cooped up in the house after this [...]

11 03, 2015

Starting a small business? Focus on email marketing

By | 2016-08-30T20:57:15-04:00 March 11, 2015|Featured, Money|Comments Off on Starting a small business? Focus on email marketing

If you're starting a small business, chances are you're going to be selling something. I'm just guessing there, taking a shot in the dark, that the purpose of your new business is to sell something. It could be a product, it could be a service, it could be your nose hairs (I'm kidding, just checking [...]

23 02, 2015

Fill my cup, put some Vicks in it

By | 2016-08-30T20:30:12-04:00 February 23, 2015|Family, Featured|Comments Off on Fill my cup, put some Vicks in it

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. Our family doesn't get flu shots. We have our reasons, as do the people who get flu shots. However, our family does stock up on Vicks products to be fully prepared for flu season, as well as cold season! There's no guarantee the flu shot will protect [...]

18 02, 2015

Starting a small business? You’ll need business cards

By | 2017-09-24T20:36:40-04:00 February 18, 2015|Featured, Money|Comments Off on Starting a small business? You’ll need business cards

You'll need business cards for your small business.

16 02, 2015

Boring Girl Beauty tips: The Feet

By | 2019-12-30T15:40:31-05:00 February 16, 2015|Featured, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Boring Girl Beauty tips: The Feet

Girls who enjoy a good pedicure come from all walks of life. Even those of us who are more apt to follow the boring girl beauty lifestyle want our feet to feel soft, and look pretty. Granted, in the winter it's harder to stay on top of foot maintenance, but it's something that can be [...]

11 02, 2015

Starting a small business? Start with a great logo design

By | 2017-09-24T20:30:21-04:00 February 11, 2015|Featured, Money|Comments Off on Starting a small business? Start with a great logo design

Small business logo design is the first step to branding properly. It's going to be with your business forever, so get it right the first time around.