Keeping your family happy and healthy
Tips on helping keep your family happy and healthy
Tips on helping keep your family happy and healthy
Things to consider when entertaining friends, and family, with extreme dietary needs, not just preferences: allergies, intolerances, and more.
What does back to school mean to me? Since I've been out of school for many years, and have kids in school, what it means to me is working on myself.
Parents always want their kids to have amazing birthdays. Birthday memories are ones that last forever. I still remember the parties my parents would throw for my sister and I. We always had joint birthday parties in March, because my sister's big day was at the end of February and mine was at the beginning [...]
It may not feel like Spring to some of us on the East Coast, but it truly is Spring according to the calendar. Since spring is in the air, my thoughts go right to spending more time outdoors. I want to enjoy the beautiful weather, and not be cooped up in the house after this [...]
ALOHA is dedicated to delivering great tasting, high quality nutrition that lifts your spirit. There's a fantastic line of products made only from natural, and organically grown, ingredients. Ingredients that are developed with the help of over 200 health experts, are socially and environmentally sustainable. All of the products are free of artificial colors, flavors, [...]
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. Our family doesn't get flu shots. We have our reasons, as do the people who get flu shots. However, our family does stock up on Vicks products to be fully prepared for flu season, as well as cold season! There's no guarantee the flu shot will protect [...]
Disclosure: I was invited to taste test some of the Jenny Craig foods, along with take a little Curves workout in New York City recently. All opinions in this article are 100 percent my own. My ladies, my ladies. It's no secret how I feel about joining a gym, and eating diet food. However, a [...]
We all know the Super Bowl is the first real "test" of your will-power after you've made your resolutions for the new year. The food comes out, and you start to sweat. The alcohol starts flowing, and you're ready to jump out the window. It's hard to say no to all the food, beer, wine [...]
Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are 100% my own. #YoursandMine #CollectiveBias Breaking news: I'm not super great about scheduling date nights with the husband. I do believe our last "date night" was on our anniversary back in July. Before that? We went out on [...]
Feeling good on the inside can only help us look good on the outside. Our skin looks better when we're taking care of our insides. Eating the right foods, drinking lots of water, and sweating out anything that might be lurking around even after all the healthy changes being made, are all important for sticking [...]
Being a resolution keeper! #newyearnewyou
Sky Zone has locations all across the country, and when it came to Long Island, I was a little hesitant to allow the kids to go. I'd heard stories about trampoline parks being dangerous, and a lot of injuries happening on a regular basis. I didn't know much about Sky Zone, and all of the [...]
It's time to welcome healthy into your life one month at a time with Bulu Box. Free shipping included!
We all do it, we make the "I'm going to start eating healthier this year" resolution on January 1st. We tell ourselves after the celebrations are over, I'll start eating healthy on January 2nd. I swear. January 2nd comes, and you look around your house and get totally overwhelmed at the thought of having to [...]
It's time to start the teeth whitening process with SmileBrilliant! - because I'm tired of looking at yellow teeth!!!!
Kids being active on Fit Made Fun day. LeapFrog LeapBand and CLIF are making the special day a fun celebration! #fitmadefun #leapfrog #leapband #clif
Vitamins that come in the form of gummies for kids usually have sugar & additives. Find out about Nutrients without the sugar and additives right here.
Skin Care essentials: retinol, moisturizer with broad spectrum sunscreen.
Do you love fried rice? Do you want a healthier version of it for home? I've found one, and amazingly we've got another #pinterestwin with a recipe!
Well another way to have mac & cheese without the "mac." Just good for you squash and cheese. #pinterestwin
I'm not a complete failure in the kitchen! Amazing recipe I found on Pinterest that I pulled off. Go me! Thanks The Comfort of Cooking - it was delicious. Even with me cooking it! #pinterestvictory #pinterestWIN
Walmart's got a new line of natural cleaners that actually work, and aren't going to blow your budget of the water! #WMTGreen
Hand sanitizer I can feel good about my kids using. Natural alcohol, aloe vera and great for the most sensitive skin! Mother's Therapy Organics is top pick for germ fighting ON THE GO.
Chicken from a truck? I must be on something....but I'm not! I love chicken. If saving money means buying chicken in a truck from a company that uses their own farm chickens, so be it!
Care to Recycle from Johnson & Johnson asks people to start in the smallest room of their house for recycling purposes! #ad #sponsored
A little help with your weight loss journey!
It's nice to know I was right to start my kids wearing sunglasses as infants, not just when they got older! Thanks #WorldVisionDay for proving my point!
Who has bad breath and poor oral care? Doesn't matter! Try Hello products at Duane Reade, they are 99% natural, and don't have artificial sweeteners, or dyes! Love it.
Who doesn't love a Sunday trip to #DuaneReade to hunt for #HeadBlade so I can have a lovely set of nick-free legs to show off? #DRHeadBlade